Zhangjiajie Adventures

Hey, guys!

My work is just finishing up our Spring Break (one of the many perks of working at a school), and a couple of coworkers and I spent most of our break time at one of the most scenic locations in China: the Floating Mountains of Zhangjiajie.

Zhangjiajie is located in Hunan province, about five hours away from Changsha by high speed bus and hard seat train.  It's a city of about 1.5 million people up in some of the most beautiful mountains I've ever seen.  We spent our time specifically in the Zhangjiajie National Forest Park, hiking through the Yangjiajie, Tianzi Mountain, and Gold Whip Stream areas. 

Fun fact: James Cameron's 2009 film Avatar got the inspiration for its floating mountains from the "Floating Mountains" in this park (found specifically in the Tianzi Mountain section), and there's even a mountain in Yangjiajie called Avatar Mountain (or the Hallelujah Mountain) after the movie. 

I found out about these "Floating Mountains" in China after I first watched Avatar when I was 17 years old, and since then I've wanted to see them for myself.  Unfortunately April is rainy season in Hunan province so there was a lot of fog and mist during our trip; however, it was still so much fun and totally worth it!  Check out some of the pictures I took below:

Want to go to Zhangjiajie to experience these beautiful mountain sights yourself?  Check out this super handy guide on the city, parks, food, and everything else you should know for planning your trip.  And if you're looking for a great place to stay, check out Red Apple Inn in the Wulingyuan section of Zhangjiajie.  It's very close to one of the park entrances (5 minutes by car, 10-15 minutes walking) and is run by a wonderful lady named Amy Qin and her family.  She's speaks very good English and took great care of us during our stay at her inn.  If you stay at Red Apple, make sure you try the shredded pork and carrot, smoked braised pork, and tomato and eggs dishes at their restaurant, which is in the inn.  They are spectacular, just like the people who work there.

The Zhangjiajie pictures will be added to the Photos tab in the next day or two along with some more that I didn't include in this post, so be sure to look for those.

Until next time!

Soli Deo Gloria!

- Chrisi -


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