Video: "19 Things You Should NEVER Do With Chopsticks!"

Happy Weekend, guys!

As you can see, the blog's got a very different look to it than before.  Blogger released some new themes not that long ago, so I decided to take one for a spin to see if it'll work better than the previous theme.  You'll likely see the blog going through a few changes here and there with layouts and colors, but never fear!  That's just my Marketing self never being fully content with keeping one design for long periods of time

But that's not the main reason why we're here today.  Today's post is basically like reliving my favorite days when I was in school: video day!

Below is a really awesome video about the 19 things you should never, ever do with chopsticks, made by the equally awesome guys at The Chen Dynasty.  They're two Chinese American guys whose channel is devoted to explaining Asian cultures (especially Chinese culture) to the world, and I know I've learned a lot from watching their videos.  You may have also heard of them through their other channels: Off the Great Wall, Double Chen (The Chen Dynasty's original name), and The CheNews.  Click here to go directly to their channel page, check out their other videos, and have fun with this one on chopstick etiquette!

Soli Deo Gloria!

- Chrisi -


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