
Welcome to That Wai Guo Ren Life ! This blog is an expat (the "wai guo ren's") perspective on living in Mainland China. It's a place where I can discuss my experiences of living and working in a culture and a country that's quite different from my own, with insights, funny stories, and anecdotes that are hopefully both intriguing and helpful for anyone who is considering visiting or living in China. Even for those of you who have no desire to come to China I hope that you'll learn a bit more about the Chinese, their rich culture and history, and see the world with a new lens in your "worldview glasses" through reading this blog. New posts will be published once a week, usually on the weekends. In the meantime, feel free to explore around in the About and Photos tabs, and please check back again! - Soli Deo Gloria! - Chrisi